Monday, April 07, 2003

Wow, okthis is going to sound really dorky, but I have noticed more and more a lot of great shows and movies on Oxygen TV. TalkSex, Girls behaving badly, & Bliss have pushed me over. It was impressive at first with the Xena, not a fan, but knowing what women want... not like that's some big secret or anything... just interesting to see that with La Femme Nikita, different world, and Cybill. Good movies like Chasing Amy are on all the time.

Talk Sex with Sue Johanson kicks ass. I forgive her for being from Canadia, and she beats the ever living shit out of (not funny)Adam Corolla, and mother hating and mother resenting Laura Schletechetszner. Know how everyone says Love Line would be great if ya just got rid of Adam? That is what this is!!! Best part, she shares my opinions on a lot of stuff where Dr. Drew is just narrow minded. The format is a bit crude, but once you get past that, it is frank and sincere. Talk all the (few) really good pieces of love line when it was brand new, and don't fuck with it, and then maybe actually find someone intellegent to host.

I can't wait to catch 'All I want To Do" tomorrow night.

Btw, if you ever tell anyone I watch Oxygen... remind them about the porn (Bliss).

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

HALO tomorrow night, April 3rd! Bring $5 for drinks, or $10 for pizza.
See ya there!